Saturday, 4 February 2012

Chit Chat: Peeing in a Cup

Matt:  I’ve never had to pee in a cup
Marg:  Really?
Matt:  Never
Marg:  It's gotta be easier for men
Matt:  oh probably- I still wouldn’t have a clue how to do it
Marg:  haha
Matt:  I’d be worried it would spray all over the place
           I pee fast and hard
Marg:  HA!
You'd probably have to like... aim carefully, hold the cup pretty close and be prepared for splash back
Matt:  You can never be prepared for splash backs
Marg:  As a lady, I basically peed all over my hand, and nearly dipped the bottom of the cup in the toilet water.
Matt:  hahahahahaha
Marg:  Not my finest moment.
Matt:  I'm lol-ing
Marg:  as you should be
Matt:  That is a brilliant image-
It should be a scene in a movie
Marg:  I'll write it in something, I promise
Matt:  YES!

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