Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Chit Chat: Dermot Mulroney

Casual Studly

Matt: Speaking of watching - New Girl?
Marg:  I wasn't home to watch it!
Matt:  oh no- well it was delightful
Marg:  I believe you, I will watch it tonight!
Matt okay- Dermot Mulroney was on- hubba hubba
Marg:  I don't think I think he's hubba hubba, do I?
Matt you should.
he is a studly man- a bit short I think, but studly
Marg:  Well... I never remember him, you know.
I know who he is...
but I still had to google image search him.
He always seems to play the less interesting choice in romantic comedies
Matt he is one of those actors who is in everything, but isn't really FAMOUS
Marg:  I feel like I would find him pretty hubba hubba in person
but in person is different than on TV/in a movie
Serious Studly
Matt:  very true- I think he is hubba hubba regardless

Artsy Studly

The Ultimate: Hot Dad Studly


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