Thursday 1 March 2012

Matthew: Wanderlust.... More Like WanderLAME haha

A couple that's too tired to have sex? How original!
On Tuesday I received news via my twitter feed that there would be a rerun of New Girl on that night which, may I say, seems to be happening to that show a lot, and that's a real shame seeing how I love it so much. Luckily for me Tuesday happens to be $5 movie night at a local movie theatre, so I decided to take advantage of my lack of plans/cheap movie night and go see Wanderlust. It was as entertaining as you would expect a Jenifer Aniston rom-com to be. In case you don't have an expectation for one of her rom-coms, it's a good idea to set the bar low.

The movie had funny moments, but it also had a lot of moments that were intended to be funny but weren't. In a post movie chat my better half made a really good point. The movie didn’t push far enough into the absurd to be funny. Some scenes were so normal that you felt sorry for the character. You wanted to help them vs. laugh at them.

I don’t know why Jenifer Aniston does so many romantic comedies. I really like her, and I think that she’s done some really great work outside of Friends. The Good Girl and Friends with Money were great movies where she plays characters with weight behind them. Don't even get me started on Marley & Me or I will cry my face off, hell, I even liked The Breakup! I guess she has done enough to make her mark in show business that she can spend the rest of her career doing whatever she wants. But still, you would think that a person would want to challenged themselves, and keep reinventing their career. But no, she plays the same person in every movie. The girl who dates the funny guy. Why can’t she be the funny one? One of the previews before Wanderlust began was for a romantic comedy called The Five-Year Engagement with Emily Blunt and Jason Seagal, and I actually think that it could be a good movie because the lead woman looks funny! She gets to do fun stuff like run into car doors, and get shot in the leg with an arrow by a toddler. I’m not saying that actresses can’t be funny, In fact I prefer female comedians, but rather- if you are going to be in a funny movie, maybe you should pick one that allows you to do funny things. Just a tip there Jen.

Wonderlust: 2 prosthetic genitalia / 5 porta potties


P.S: Check out the trailer for The Five-Year Engagement and tell us your comments!  

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