Friday 2 March 2012

Chit Chat: People Who Don't Watch T.V Are Freaks

Matt: Grey's is on tonight, and I think I may be over that show...
Marg:  I was never under it, haha
Matt:  All of those medical dramas are just emotional traps. Stay away.
Marg:  It'd be sad if I decided to watch it at this point. "Oh, a poorly aging network melodrama? Sign me up, please!"
Matt:  Did you ever watch Boston Public?
Marg:  many moons ago
Matt:  That was a great show.
Television needs something like that again.
Marg:  The best place to find drama is on the cable channels
Matt:  True
Is it weird that I watch so much t.v?
I really like it
Marg:  I watch a lot of TV too
I am very pro-TV
Matt:  I think people who don't watch t.v are screwed up.
Marg:  haha
I hate that pretentious "Oh, no, I don't watch television" attitude - really? You don't watch TV? Why?
Matt:  They are freaks!
Marg:  No one is asking you to sit down and watch 12 hours of Maury, there's good stuff out there!
Matt:  No offense to Maury.

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