Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Chit Chat: New Girl "Injured"

Marg: Hey!!!
Matt: hello!
Marg: Did you watch New Girl last night?
Matt: Yep! A great episode.
Marg: It was so emotional!
Matt: "Guys, this may be an inappropriate time, but does anyone else think that Nick could stand to loose 5-7 lbs?"
Marg: The extended almost-too-long-but-not sad song/rap song scene? Amazing
Matt: haha- I loved the sing along. Do you think it was improvised?
Marg: It may have been - if not, it was really well written. Like, if something comes off as that organic, huge kudos to the writers
Matt: I liked that Jess's other friend made a cameo. I was worried about her.
Marg: Finally! And she has a name!... I can't remember it!
Matt: haha me either... They way they write that character in is really random..
Marg: It is. But I was thinking about it - The show is mostly about Jess & her roommates lives together. So there are huge portions of Jess's life that we don't see (because the roommates wouldn't always see them either). So maybe she and her doctor friend hang out all the time, but not in the apartment, haha
Matt: that's a bit of a stretch there Marg. lol. but a solid effort at rationalization.
Marg: HA. damn it, caps! Anyway: I like what they are doing with the Jess and Nick characters
Matt: Me too
Marg: In that, occasionally they tease us with their chemistry/whatever but they aren't constantly pushing it.
Matt: Which is great because I'm not yelling at my t.v for them to get together already, even tho I would like that. Which means that they can extend that plot line for a longer period of time.
Marg: You don't want to burn out will-they-won't-they relationships on shows too quickly, it kills sitcoms! They throw Schmidt in there sometimes too, to mix things up. I approve.
Matt: I'm waiting for them to do something interesting with the black guy... I don't remember his name...
Marg: Winston
Matt: probably because he isn't really used.
Marg: I liked his car storyline!
Matt: I'm waiting for him to get a main storyline
Marg: He's a talented actor
Matt: I did LOVE his Chris Rock impersonation at the funeral
Marg: Me too. I really liked his guy on the D.L. impression the other week too. Anyway, totally back on track episode after the Bully one. Great moments from the whole cast, they’ve really found their feet as an ensemble. High fives!
Matt: High fives!

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this week's New Girl! Go on, comment! 

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