Tuesday 21 February 2012

Matthew: 8 Down 1 to Go! A Review of Hugo.

As we get closer to to Oscar Sunday (eeee!!) I am rushing to finish watching all of the best picture noms. Today's feature: Hugo.

Directed by Martin Scorsese Hugo is an adventure/ fantasy film set in 1930's Paris. It's about an orphan boy who lives in the walls of a train station tending to all of the clocks. Clinging onto the memory of his deceased father, Hugo goes on an adventure to find out the meaning of an automaton that he and his dad had been fixing with the hopes of filling some missing voids. 

Okay okay okay, now lets get to the good part. I liked this movie! I thought it was a sweet story, told in a magical way. The movie was in 3D (which I am not a fan of) and for the most part I thought that the 3D did a good job at enhancing the story. You felt as if you were watching a live action popup book. The acting was pretty good, with Sacha Baron Cohen as the films stand out. The real magic began to happen about half way through the movie. I don't want to give too much away about the plot- but film maker Georges Melies is one of the characters, and his films are a huge addition to the magic and eye candy within the movie. That part of the flick was a delight to watch. 

My criticisms of the movie lay mainly within the editing. The first half is pretty slow and Scorsese could have easily cut 20mins off the top in order to get this ship sailing. I'm also not a huge fan of 3D mainly because it hurts my eyes, and I find it difficult to focus on what is happening on screen- it all seems blurry. 

Hugo is a pretty solid movie. Is it the best picture of 2011? No. But it does have lots of charm. 

Hugo: 4 creepy old school robots / 5 French characters with British accents. 


1 comment:

  1. I feel like a real wet blanket when I complain about 3D movies, but they make me feel ill!


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