Thursday 4 October 2012

Matthew: The Best Ellen Videos

Everyone loves Ellen. She's funny, generous, kind, and she has games. Who doesn't love games right? Below are some of my favorite Ellen Show videos. Enjoy.

1. This season Ellen is celebrating her 10th season, and below is one of the best videos that has come out of it so far. Ellen sent one of her writers Amy to Costco to talk to some strangers. The catch, is that Amy can only speak in song lyrics. Enjoy.

2. My favorite video in Ellen's auto correct series: apPARENTly confused. 

3. Remember Gladys? In case you don't, here is the first time we met the 88 year old firecracker. 

4. Richard Simmons + Falling. Need I say more? The audio is off so just fast forward to the 1:10 mark. 

5. This video of Kristen Bell and her love of sloths went viral last year. Watch it again. 

6. This one might be my favorite. I think this was one of Amy's first appearances on the Ellen show. I just love her. Here she goes through a haunted house.  

7. My favorite game on Ellen is Know or Go. This round had some pretty "special" contestants.


8. Ellen is a giver. Pretty much every episode she is giving somebody something. This video is my favorite because of Lisa Jarmon. Her reactions are priceless. 

9. The best of "Ellen in my Ear". Featuring Anne Curry, David Beckham, J.Lo, denis Quaid,  Sofia Vergara and of course, Amy.

10. Ellen Bloopers.

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