Tuesday 14 February 2012

Chit Chat: Grammy Awards, Chris Brown, and Whitney - Oh My!

Matt:  So much to discuss!
Marg:  I know!
Matt:  Let's start with the Grammy's
Marg:  I don't have a whole lot to say haha
Matt did you watch?
Marg certainly not
           I played with a kitten instead
Matt lol- Well here is the recap- Adele won everything and rightfully so. Nicky Minaj (however you   spell her name) gave the shittiest performance ever. Chris brown preformed twice- NOT NECESSARY. LL Cool Jay said a prayer for Whitney Houston, which was a nice sentiment but odd coming from someone named Ladies Love Cool James. They left Etta James out of the dead people montage and there was a lot of Whitney shout outs.
the grammy's.
Marg:  Okay - first, good for Adele.
Nicky Minaj annoys me so much.
Caps intentional!
Matt:  I know!! Have you seen any of those tweets going around of women saying things like "I'd let him beat me.. sexy!"
Marg:  I saw those - what the hell is wrong with people?!
Matt I have no clue- I don't even know what would prompt someone to ever think that.
If it was supposed to be a joke it wasn't
Marg:  even if one woman said it as a joke, they certainly weren't all joking
society is messed up
Matt i know!
Like- I get that at some point people need a second chance- but he never really got the repercussions that he deserved
And I can't believe that they let him lip Synch his way through a performance twice.
Marg:  I don't even know that I believe too much in second chances when it comes to domestic abuse.
but hey, that's me!
Did LL Cool Jay lick his lips a lot?
PS: I've been looking at fashion finally, so I have things to say. Many feelings, really,
Matt:  One girl tweeted that she was keeping a count of how many times he licked his lips haha
Marg: hahahaha
Matt:  so, fashions?
Marg:  best is hard to call... there was so, so much ugly
Matt hahaha
I though Adele looked beautiful
And I liked Rhianna
Rhianna in Tina Turner's old wig. Adele in sleeves.

Marg:  Maybe (ugh) Kelly Osbourne?
Matt but her hair!
Marg:  I kinda dig it
Adele always looks lovely
I didn't like Rhianna's ass crack necklace
Kelly Osbourne in weird hair.

Matt I thought Katy Perry's dress was really beautiful- But the combo of her spray tan/ hair/ and lipstick made her look like an umpa lumpa
What didn't you like?
Katy Perry in a look by Willy Wonka

Marg:  Oh everything!
Matt:  lol
Marg:  Taylor Swift's champagne robot geisha dress
Matt I know!
too much!
Taylor Swift in a dress by annoying.

Marg:  Also, Nicki Minaj
what the hell was that?
I think the stink of desperation would knock you out if you stood too close to that woman
Matt I am so sick of these stupid people and their costume fashion.... It's all a gimmick.
well said
Nicky Minaj wearing a future regret.
Marg:  Fergie.
I'm just going to wear neon orange lace over my giant granny panties.
Matt haha- I could have gotten on board with Fergie had she of worn a one piece body suit.
And if it wasn't black.
Orange and black is just Halloween
Did you see the girl with the gun arm?
Fergie in a breathable number.
Marg:  I was just about to bring her up!
I don't know who she is.
Matt:  desperate
me either
but now people are talking about her
Marg:  She looked like a wax figure with a robot arm
Matt It was like she was wearing a transformer costume
Marg:  in all seriousness... is she a singer?
Matt i just googled her- her name is Sasha
she is a Russian singer
Marg:  well, good for her.
This happened.
Matt: So- Whitney Houston.
Where were you when you heard the news?
Marg:  At Ben's. I logged onto facebook, and someone posted the I Will Always Love You video without comment. And I was like "I think Whitney Houston died"
Matt That's a bit ghostly of you... (I was going to say ESPN, but that is a network... )
Marg:  It was sorta weird, 'eh?
I think that it was just that people don't usually post about Whitney, maybe?
Matt:  Not in that way.
It's kind of weird how people react to celebrity deaths
I was actually a bit shaken up.
Marg:  I don't feel like I was super impacted. It was no Amy Winehouse situation for me.
Matt:  I guess it's always more of a shock than anything.
Not that it was surprising that she died, but it was still shocking.
Marg:  I've been amused by some of the facebook tribute posts about her in the last few days
Which I know is wrong...
Matt:  lol
Marg:  But the specific songs that some people pick are strange choices
Matt haha
I have seen a lot of people pick rando moments, like in interviews, or award shows
Marg:  I mean, the real hits, the classics, yes please. Or if you were a huge fan, something more obscure
Matt It's all odd... and odd experience.

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