Monday 30 April 2012

Chit Chat: AXE Body Spray or The Curse of Blue Balls

Recently I changed my facebook status to an open letter to the men of the world. It read:

"Dear Men:

If getting laid is something that you do not enjoy, then by all means please continue to wear Axe body spray


I was inspired to write this slightly colorful status, as I had experienced a particularly rough morning commute. My nose was battling not 1 but 2 men on the subway wearing different senses of the Axe family. And don't even bother asking how did I know it was Axe- Anyone with a free flowing nasal passage can recognize that cheap wannabe. Anyway, it was my status that inspired this devilish little chit chat.

Marg:  [Redacted] seems to exclusively use Axe products
Matt:  He needs to change that
Marg:  it's working for him, he gets to date the gross [redacted]
Matt:  well let this be a warning to all men out there...
I found this and thought it was fitting
if you cheap out on the bait, you get a shitty fish
Marg:  hahahahahaha
wise advice

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