Monday 30 April 2012

Matthew: I Really Like Emily Blunt

As you may recall I've been excited to see The Five Year Engagement for quite some time now. The trailer peaked my interest mainly because it looked like a romantic comedy where both the leading man and lady got the chance to be lough out loud funny. Well, this past weekend I finally had the opportunity to see it, and while it did not disappoint it didn't really live up to my expectations either. 

First, let's start with the positive. It's funny. Unlike many rom-com's out there this movie actually makes you laugh, not just chuckle or ha to yourself but laugh properly. Also, it couldn't have been cast better. I don't think there is an actor more like able right now than Emily Blunt, she's charismatic, charming and lights up the screen. And pairing her with Jason Segel ( who co-wrote the screenplay) was a great idea. Both actors have tones of screen presences, and you could tell that together they have chemistry. In fact, Segel wrote the part of Violet Barnes  with Blunt in mind. Good call Jason. 

What left the movie feeling a little flat was that it's super predictable. They really didn't steer too far away from the rom-com mold on this one. At any given moment you could easily guess what was going to happen next, which doesn't exactly make for the greatest edge of your seat cinematic experience. I don't know what it is about this genre of film that makes it so difficult for screen writers to get creative and change up the traditional form, maybe the studio interferes? I don't know. But I do know that this movie could have been a home run if they had of changed up the format a little bit. Instead it landed somewhere between second and third base. (ha! A baseball analogy!) 

The Five Year Engagement:  3 Princess Di Costumes /5 Knitted Sweaters

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