Monday 7 May 2012

Marg: I loved The Avengers, you guys.

Hulk isn't that tall in the movie.

Confession: Before meeting my boyfriend, who actually draws comics, I'd never read a comic book (except for Archies!!) and I'd never really watched contemporary comic book movies... like, at all. I'd seen parts of some... half-paid-attention to Spider Man, and caught the end of Batman Begins on TV once. But, I'd never sat down with the intent of watching any superhero movie (Oh! With the exception of the first two X-Men movies! I'd seen those, how fun!) since my childhood (love me some Micheal Keaton Batman movies). 

There have been lots of films based on comic books in the last decade, and many of them have garnered amazing reviews (and many haven't, but every genre is like that) - some are seriously important as far as film history and the cultural landscape goes, and as someone who writes and thinks about movies critically, it was just a damn sin that I had somehow missed those ones. The Dark Knight?! I hadn't seen The Dark Knight? What is wrong with you, Marg?

My only excuse is that superhero movies are a type of action movie, and as a general rule of thumb, I don't really like action movies and certainly don't go out of my way to watch them. But, I am also reasonably affable, there are only a few movies that I refuse to watch (that's another post all together), so while ye ole' boyfriend had his work cut out for him just getting me up-to-date on the sheer number of films from this genre I'd missed - I have been pretty willing to watch a lot of costumed men fighting villains, over the last year. 

I feel like much of this hard work (ha, it's so tough watching some of your favourite movies) was just building up to taking me out to see The Avengers. He was correct in thinking that I outta know the origin stories of characters, I'd hate to have gone in blind - so we watched Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor (in theatres!), Captain America, and The Incredible Hulk (um... the one with Edward Norton). It was really, really worth it. 

The Avengers has just made an obscene amount of money this weekend, and it makes total sense. It's pure entertainment - it's the blockbuster that blockbusters wish they could be. It is by no means the sort of adventure movie that makes you feel dumb once you've left the theater - The Avengers is wittier than that, for sure. It is a genuinely hilarious film - that's something I think I didn't realize before being introduced to the previous films - how genuinely funny the material would be.

I loved so many of the performances. Scarlett Johansson gets a bit of a bad rap, but I thought she was great as Natasha Romanoff/The Black Widow. Similarly, although she was only in The Avengers briefly, I adored Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts in the Iron Man movies - people love to hate her, what with the GOOP and marrying Chris Martin and Country Strong - but seriously, wonderful as that character. Also, I fully intend on dressing like her in The Avengers all summer long. So loungey!

I was going to put a picture of Pepper Potts in shorts here from the movie, but I couldn't find one. This is better.
I shouldn't stress this, but I *must* stress this due to being a connoisseur of masculinity... damn, Chris Hemsworth! And... damn, Chris Evans! Damn! 
Go put the gazpacho on ice, Sam. Leave Steve Rogers to his workout.

I promise that it isn't just for visual reasons that I love Captain America and Thor... Both are characters from different worlds (the 1940s and Asgard, respectively) dealing with today's Earth, something I always like. The film Thor was pretty problematic (ugh, Natalie Portman was horrible!) but I just love Chris Hemsworth's Thor - apparently I squeezed my boyfriend's hand when he first showed up in The Avengers. I have no control over my actions concerning Thor! 

Oh stop.

Also, damn Mark Ruffalo, too! As we walked to the movie theater, I expressed my feeling that I simply don't like the Hulk, or anything to do with the Hulk. Mark Ruffalo turned me onto the idea completely! I actually didn't believe it could be done, but I have been converted. He's so darn sweet, you know? Pro-Hulk!

Bit of a spoiler, they are like best friends by the end.
Loki (Tom Hiddleston) returns from Thor as the power mad antagonist - all super villains are power mad, but Loki is also incredibly creepy and manipulative and snakey. Hiddleston plays him expertly, with the sort of weak entitlement that could easily be made completely cartoonish. He holds back (more so than in Thor), as Loki is desperately out of his depth.

You'd be jealous if Thor was your brother, too.

I also hate 3D movies. I feel pretty lame because the 3D in this actually made me wince once. Lamer still, the main reason I hate 3D movies is because they make me feel a lil' sick and I have to wear the 3D glasses over my regular glasses and they stick out like 8 feet from my face.  Ugh, it was used pretty well in this, though... I'd be happy to watch it without it. 

In serious conclusion, given the popularity of the movie thus far, many of you have probably already gone out to see The Avengers. But, if you're like me, and would normally seek out something a little more... tiny-of-budget and big-of-quirk - go ahead and feel okay about spending a few hours watching a team of superheros fight an (adopted) son of a Norse God over a glowing blue cube. It's a really excellent time.

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